Write copy like this…

and get your [desired result] …
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by | Jul 31, 2024 | Blog

If you’re trying to write an offer and it’s not coming together

Like you can’t find the right headline …

Or you can’t find the right hook …

Or you can’t find the right angle …


Firstly, keep the copy simple – it it’s an information article than wax lyrically to your hearts content, and engage, amaze, and create a compelling read of story to read.

If it’s ‘sales copy’ and you want to generate $’s or £’s then keep it simple.

one sentence at a time.

Strip out the fluff.

Focus on the impact.

For your headline, use a formula like this:

“Read This If You Want [Desired Result]”

Then follow this framework for the offer:

  1. Here’s what I got.
  2. Here’s what it will do for you.
  3. Here’s what I want you to do next. (i.e., BUY NOW!)


(I originally ‘borrowed’ this from Frank Kern but realised a few years after that he’d ‘borrowed it from John Carlson).

To be honest, most people won’t buy. But some will. And if the numbers add up you just rinse and repeat.

So don’t make stupid claims, offer insane savings – the consumer isn’t stupid.

They’re your mum, dad, wife, husband, son, or daughter.

Just tell them how you can REALLY help them achieve that [desired outcome]

and then FOLLOW UP.


And repeat.

It really is that simple.

If you offer enough value enough people will eventually buy.