The biggest lie in marketing…

Look, to be successful in your gym business you only need 3 things:
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by | Oct 22, 2024 | Blog


  1. A great product.
  2. A hungry crowd.
  3. A way of telling them about it.

The first two you really need to have 90% nailed on before you start your business or launch a service or product (the remaining 10% is adjusting, refining, and improving, as you learn from your members feedback):

Think location…
Think customer needs…
Think features…
Think audience…
Think results…
Think outcomes delivered…

But the fuel to your ‘engine’ is the ‘telling them’ part.

Because a great product will go absolutely no where if no one knows about it…

and having a starving crowd is pointless if they don’t know you can feed them.

They’ll just get their ‘protein’ elsewhere!

And you can spend hours tweaking your sales approach, improving conversions, enhancing offers, building out marketing skills…

But if no water is running through your business’s growth pipeline, on a consistent basis, then no water is going to be coming out of the taps at the other end…

Regardless of what you are tweaking or improving.

So, so many great gyms have failed to deliver on their potential, due to a lack of marketing.

Quite simply…

The more people who know about what you do, where you are and what you deliver…

the bigger your gym business will be.

There are no exceptions to this.

Which brings us to…

The biggest lie in marketing’.

The cost of marketing.

…Because there is no such thing as the cost of marketing.

Marketing is an investment.

Done effectively and consistently marketing is literally a money printing machine.

You put £1 / €1 / $1 in…

and you get 3, 4, 5, even 10 or 20 back!

When implemented, there is no better return on money invested anywhere – than in your business’s marketing.

No stocks, shares, property or pension plans come anywhere close…

So, in summary, if your answer to the following question first thing each morning isn’t ‘yesterday’ then you are leaving money on the table.

The question?

When did I last market my business?


Today’s Marketing Espresso isn’t about offers or CTA’s, but here’s one anyway…

There’s a second, just as important part to the implementation process…


Even marketing done badly, to be fair, will give you some sort of return…

but when done effectively, the returns skyrocket.

Building in an understanding of WHY people buy from you…

And HOW people want to buy from you…

And then, aligning that with your marketing activity will take what was a good ROAS…

To an amazing, fuck me, oh my god above ROAS…

Which is where the offer comes in…

If you’d like to talk to myself or one of my team members about how you can join over 750 gyms who’ve had their marketing effectively implemented for them on a daily basis…

Resulting in over £1B (yes that’s a B) in membership sales then…

Book a complementary call today.

No cost. No sales pitch.

Just good, strong, effective advice…

and a possible potential discussion about whether we’d be a good fit working together.

Or not.

Your choice.

You can take the first step of turning your business into a money printing machine here.